Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Even the homeless hate Bob Donovan...

We already know Bob Donovan is a total douche bag, but what happened last night was just too funny, and underscores how this particular alderman is simply the foreskin of the political system (foreskin being the useless piece of flesh on the male penis which is usually discarded). Apparently Mr. Donovan was out getting his drunk on, er attending a meeting, when he spotted a homeless man taking a wiz on the ground. What ensued was apparently an altercation whereby Bob was bitch-slapped and reminded you don't pick a fight with a guy while he's taking a piss. Rather than simply letting it go as a lesson learned, Bobbie decided to hold a press conference this morning. Good job Bob, what's on tap for the remainder of the day? Perhaps saving other homeless men from evil companies who are trying to create local jobs.


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Anonymous said...

WOW, Jalem i had no idea you where so funny! HAHA, keep up the great blog!

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